How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (2024)

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (2)

Indoor Herb Gardening Is for Everyone

Looking for a way to grow a little something green during the long, dark winters? Start an indoor herb garden.

Want to grow a bit of your own food and feel the joy of harvesting something fresh for dinner even though you don't have any outdoor space? Start an indoor herb garden.

Ready to try your hand at growing plants but not ready to commit to a full kitchen garden? Start an indoor herb garden.

Fallen in love with microgreens and looking for more delicious leaves to grow indoors? Okay, you get the idea! Basically, if you're looking to grow low-maintenance and edible plants indoors, herbs are your gals.

The first time I experienced winter in zone 5, I had to do everything I could to stay warm and happy. For me, that meant surrounding myself with as much green as possible and starting an indoor herb garden in winter in a sunny, south-facing picture window. I packed my little planter with herbs from my local nursery, and those herbs not only survived winter, they thrived throughout the following summer after I moved them outdoors (see picture below).

Herbs are ideal to grow inside because you don't need a ton of space, sunlight, or gardening experience to keep them happy. Growing your favorite herbs for cooking means they're always at your fingertips for easy harvests. Another major bonus about growing your herb garden indoors: no weeding!

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (4)

5 Quick Tips to Start an Herb Garden Indoors

  1. Make sure your pots have good drainage holes. Herbs hate to have their roots sitting in water.
  2. Use a weed barrier cloth or something similar to keep soil from running out of your pot and making a mess every time you water.
  3. Use a soil blend that drains well and includes compost for nutrients.
  4. Give your plants plenty of space to spread out and grow to their full potential.
  5. Cross your fingers. If at first you don’t succeed, keep trying!

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (6)

Follow these simple steps to create your own indoor herb garden on a windowsill or in another sunny location.

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (8)

Step One: Select Your Container

The planter, pot, or container that you select should be big enough to fit the root ball of the herb you'd like to grow. The herbs I recommend growing indoors have shallow roots, which means your pot or container only needs to be 6 inches deep to contain them. Don't size up too much or the soil might stay wet too long and cause the roots to rot.

When selecting your container, choose natural materials. My favorites are cedar, steel, and terra cotta clay. Look for words like "food grade" and "untreated" to ensure you're using the most natural of materials for your organic herbs. I like terra cotta pots because they help regulate the moisture level and come with a nice, big drainage hole. They're also a great budget option but still quite attractive.

Step Two: Add Drainage Holes

Drainage is extremely important for growing herbs. I'd go so far as to say the surest way to kill an herb is to overwater it in a container with poor drainage.

If your planter, pot, or container doesn't already have good drainage holes in the bottom, make sure to add some with a drill. Space holes every 3 to 4 inches. You can test the drainage by pouring water in the container before planting up your herbs and making sure water can run out easily. Some gardeners have asked me about placing rocks in the bottom of pots instead of adding drainage holes; it might work if you're very sparing with water, but having clear drainage holes is the best way to keep your plants happy.

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (10)

Step Three: Prevent Messes

Before filling your container with soil, cut a small piece of landscape cloth, weed barrier cloth, or a coffee filter to fit inside the bottom of your container to keep the soil from leaving the container every time you water. Your future self will thank you for taking this extra step. As long as you use a porous material like weed barrier cloth, water will still be able to drain out of the bottom.

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (12)

Step Four: Fill Your Container with Soil

Fill your container with a well-draining, organic soil. I give you my recipe for the perfect soil blend for growing herbs in theHerb Garden Guidebook. Add 2 to 3 inches of compost to the top of your container to give your herbs a great start. I really like the organic mushroom compost fromEspoma.

Step Five: Plant Herbs

Select your favorite herbs from the list of the best indoor herbs below.

If your container is larger than 6 inches in diameter, you could potentially grow several different herbs in the same space. Keep in mind that if you plant mint or lemon balm with other herbs, they will need to be kept in check or they'll try to take over the space.

Overall, herbs grow more vertically than they do horizontally, which means you can pack more plants together. If you do so, though, make sure you're prepared to harvest leaves often. This will ensure each herb plant has access to the sunlight and air circulation it needs.

(See our complete supply list for herb gardening on Amazon here. These are Amazon affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you if you click on the link and purchase the item. All opinions remain my own.)

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (14)

Create Your Own Indoor Herb Garden Planter

If you've got perhaps an extra-wide window ledge, an available table to scoot next to a window, or a little sunroom, consider creating an herb garden planter to grow several types of herbs (or different varieties of your favorite herb) together. Growing herbs in a larger container is a little easier than individual pots because the soil won't dry out as quickly.

Here arethree optionsfor easy herb garden planters on Amazon. If you're shopping around on your own, I recommend picking something at least a foot wide so that you can grow several different types of herbs in one container.

Place draping herbs near the sides so that they can cascade over the edges. Again, the closer together you plant your herbs, the more you'll need to come in and harvest to maintain plant health.

To see your future in full color, watch the video below to see what you could be able to harvest just a couple months after planting your own little container.

The Best Herbs for Indoor Growing

To grow well indoors, herbs should have shallow roots that make them ideal for pots only six inches deep and narrow enough to fit on a windowsill. They should also be able to handle different light situations, including receiving mostly indirect light. Woody herbs that we use a lot in our cooking like sage, thyme, and oregano tend to do well in a container.

Overall, the best herbs to grow indoors are herbs from the mint family, which includes:

  • basil
  • lavender
  • lemon balm
  • marjoram
  • oregano
  • rosemary
  • sage
  • thyme
  • summer savory
  • winter savory
  • mint

Chives and other greens from the onion family are also incredibly easy to grow indoors. It was a small pot of chives—a gift from my mom—that actually taught me the simple pleasure of cutting something green to toss on our food before meals.

While lemon balm and mint do well in containers, I recommend growing them in their own pot so you don't have to worry about them overtaking the roots of any neighboring herbs. The other herbs listed can be grown together or in their own small container.

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (16)

Where to Source Herbs for Your Indoor Herb Garden Space

If you're going to buy mature herbs, the leaves will be ready for harvesting that very same day. I recommend buying organically grown plants from a local nursery rather than from a big box store (those guys often don't do well once you bring them home).

Many of the herbs you buy from the store come more than one to the pot (to make them look fuller). It's actually best to separate them before planting them in your herb garden so that each little plant has space to grow to its full potential. Gently tug the roots apart to avoid damaging them. Plant separated herbs immediately because they're super fragile. Give them a nice watering in.

You can also start your own herbs from seed. Try thesefive herbs you can easily plant from seedfirst. Basil in particular does really well planted from seed. My favorite sources for herb seeds areBaker CreekandBotanical Interests.

Master the art of growing your own herb garden and grow enough for a year round supply

Based on Gardenary's Introductory Gardening Online Course, Herb Garden Guide, this comprehensive guidebook will lead you through the step by step so that you know exactly how to grow all the culinary herbs you love right in your very own space.

More Indoor Herb Garden Ideas

You might not consider garlic and onions herbs in the traditional sense, but they're great to grow indoors in pots. You won't be able to grow entire bulbs like you would outdoors, but you'll end up with lots of greens to snip and toss on soups and other dishes.

Unlike the woody herbs, garlic and onion bulbs can be grown in straight compost.

How to grow garlic indoors

Buy garlic bulbs from your local nursery or a seed supplier. These are more likely to thrive than store-bought varieties, though you can try to grow garlic from a bulb purchased at your grocery store.

Pull apart the garlic bulb, leave the papery outer skins intact, and plant each little clove a couple of inches apart in your pot or container (picture a mature bulb and make sure you leave at least that much space in between each clove and the edge of the pot). Push each clove about an inch into the soil, the pointy ends facing up.

Water your garlic bulbs in well, and then keep the soil moist after. Place your container in a windowsill and wait for shoots to grow from the tops of the cloves. You can continue cutting from the shoots and toss these flavorful little greens on salads, baked potatoes, omelettes, soups, and more—anything you'd like a lighter seasoning of fresh garlic added to. These shoots will keep coming back and coming back for months, until the garlic bulb is finished.

You can do the same with little onion bulbs grown from sets and harvest the onion sprouts.

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (17)

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (18)


Learn the step by step to building, planting, and growing your own delicious herb garden for a year-found supply of herbs. Your Gardenary 365 membership includes access to the Herb Garden Guide, plus our entire content library.

5 Tips for How to Grow an Herb Garden Indoors

Follow these tips to keep your herbs happy and healthy once they're established:

  1. Make sure to monitor the soil's moisture often. Allow the top 1 to 2 inches of the soil to dry out before watering.
  2. Consider watering your herbs from the bottom. Place a saucer or flat-bottomed container underneath the herb pot and fill it with water. Allow the roots of the plant to soak up the moisture it needs for about 15 minutes. Discard any water that was not soaked up. Bottom watering is ideal to prevent fungus gnats on indoor plants. If you prefer to water from above, discard any remaining water in the plant's saucer after 15 minutes, or water your plants in your kitchen sink to allow excess water to drain away.
  3. Make sure your container is consistently getting 4 to 6 hours of sunlight.
  4. Rotate your plants every couple of days so that the leaves receive light evenly. Supplement with artificial light if needed (more on that below).
  5. Harvest frequently to encourage your herbs to produce more leaves for you.

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (20)

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (21)

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (22)

Herb Garden Indoor Light

Light is necessary for herbs to produce their distinctive flavors. That being said, most herbs only need 4 to 6 hours of sunlight to grow tasty leaves for you, though they'll produce even more if they're given their ideal hours of light.

You'll know your herbs are not getting enough light if they start getting leggy (tall and spindly) and/or the new leaves seem stunted compared to older ones. It's unlikely your herbs will received too much light indoors, especially during winter, but if they are, you'll notice that the leaves look bleached or scorched by the sun or the plant wilts midday despite the soil being moist.

Let's break down the best plants to grow based on the window space you have available:

South- or west-facing windows

South windows receive direct light all day long, while west-facing windows get direct light during the middle hours, making either situation ideal for plants that need full sun. Herbs that prefer more than six hours of natural light a day include rosemary, sage, thyme, marjoram, basil, and oregano.

North- or east-facing windows

This type of indirect light or direct light only in the early morning is best for herbs that can tolerate partial sun or shade. These herbs include mint, chives, and lemon balm.

Indoor herb garden with grow light

During the short days of winter, it might not be possible to give your herbs the natural light they need in a windowsill. An artificial source of light can help you maintain healthy herbs indoors when sunlight is lacking.

Look for a full spectrum light. I like theseclip-on LED lights from Amazon, or similar versions that can easily attach to a shelf or ledge and be maneuvered over your herbs. There are alsofloor lamp versionsfor sale.

Look for lights with a timer or remote to simplify your life. You'll need these lights to stay on for 12 to 14 hours a day because artificial light is not the same as natural light.

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (24)

How to Harvest Your Indoor Herbs

Herbs can and should be harvested often once they're established in their new home. It's important to regularly prune the outer and lower leaves of your herbs to encourage more leaf production (and to have delicious leaves to eat).

When harvesting, use a clean pair of pruners or scissors to cut from the outermost branches of a mature plant (one that's about 4 to 5 inches in diameter), almost to the base of the plant. This will encourage your plant to branch out. You could also pinch the plant right above a leaf node to encourage the plant to form two branches from just one stem.

Follow the golden rule of harvesting and never cut more than a third of a plant at a time. Give your herb time to bounce back so that you can return for more harvests in the future.

This simple harvesting method will tell your indoor plants to produce lots of lovely, lush leaves for you to eat all year long.

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (26)

Time to Start Your Own Indoor Herbs

Starting your own small herb garden is the perfect introduction to kitchen gardening. You can fill it with herbs you plant from seed or healthy plants purchased from the store. Herb gardens work in any small space, even the windowsill of a high rise apartment.

Herbs don't take up much space, and they're easy to tend and harvest from. Cut some leaves and come back in a couple days for some more. Once you get a feel for caring for something so easy, you'll want to try your hand at more and more—and maybe you'll even make some more indoor herb planters for friends and family to inspire them to start developing their own green thumb, too.

Thanks for helping me bring back the kitchen garden, one small pot of herbs at a time!

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (27)

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (28)


Learn the step by step to building, planting, and growing your own delicious herb garden for a year-found supply of herbs. Your Gardenary 365 membership includes access to the Herb Garden Guide, plus our entire content library.

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (30)

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts


I am an expert in indoor herb gardening and have extensive knowledge and experience in this topic. I have successfully grown herbs indoors and can provide you with valuable insights and tips to help you start your own indoor herb garden.

Benefits of Indoor Herb Gardening

Indoor herb gardening is a great way to bring some greenery into your home, especially during the long, dark winters. It allows you to grow your own fresh herbs for cooking, even if you don't have any outdoor space. Indoor herb gardens are also low-maintenance and don't require a lot of space, sunlight, or gardening experience to keep the herbs happy. Plus, one major advantage of growing herbs indoors is that you don't have to worry about weeding [[1]].

Getting Started with Indoor Herb Gardening

To start your own indoor herb garden, you'll need to follow a few simple steps:

Step One: Select Your Container Choose a container that is big enough to fit the root ball of the herb you want to grow. Herbs have shallow roots, so a container that is 6 inches deep is sufficient. Natural materials like cedar, steel, and terra cotta clay are recommended for containers. Terra cotta pots, in particular, help regulate moisture levels and have good drainage [[2]].

Step Two: Add Drainage Holes Drainage is crucial for growing herbs in containers. If your container doesn't have good drainage holes, you can add them using a drill. Space the holes every 3 to 4 inches to ensure proper drainage. Adding rocks at the bottom of the pot is not a substitute for drainage holes [[3]].

Step Three: Prevent Messes Before filling your container with soil, cut a small piece of landscape cloth, weed barrier cloth, or a coffee filter to fit inside the bottom of your container. This will prevent soil from escaping every time you water the herbs [[4]].

Step Four: Fill Your Container with Soil Use a well-draining organic soil blend for your herbs. Adding 2 to 3 inches of compost to the top of the container will provide additional nutrients for your herbs. Organic mushroom compost is a recommended option [[5]].

Step Five: Plant Herbs Choose your favorite herbs from the list of best indoor herbs. If your container is larger than 6 inches in diameter, you can potentially grow several different herbs together. Just be mindful of planting mint or lemon balm with other herbs, as they can be invasive. Herbs grow more vertically, so you can pack more plants together, but make sure to harvest the leaves often to ensure each herb gets enough sunlight and air circulation [[6]].

Best Herbs for Indoor Growing

The best herbs for indoor growing are those with shallow roots that can thrive in pots only 6 inches deep. Herbs from the mint family, such as basil, lavender, lemon balm, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, summer savory, winter savory, and mint, are ideal for indoor cultivation. Chives and other greens from the onion family are also easy to grow indoors. Garlic and onions can be grown in pots as well, but they won't produce full bulbs. Instead, you can harvest the greens for use in cooking [[7]].

Light Requirements for Indoor Herbs

Most herbs require 4 to 6 hours of sunlight per day to grow well. South- or west-facing windows provide direct light and are ideal for herbs that need full sun, such as rosemary, sage, thyme, marjoram, basil, and oregano. North- or east-facing windows provide indirect light or direct light only in the early morning, making them suitable for herbs that can tolerate partial sun or shade, such as mint, chives, and lemon balm. If natural light is insufficient, you can supplement with artificial light. Full spectrum LED lights are recommended, and they should be on for 12 to 14 hours a day [[8]].

Harvesting Your Indoor Herbs

Regularly pruning the outer and lower leaves of your herbs will encourage more leaf production. Use clean pruners or scissors to cut from the outermost branches of a mature plant, almost to the base. This will promote branching and ensure a continuous supply of fresh leaves. Remember not to cut more than a third of a plant at a time, allowing it time to recover for future harvests [[9]].


Indoor herb gardening is a rewarding and accessible way to grow your own fresh herbs year-round. By following the steps outlined above and choosing the right herbs for indoor cultivation, you can enjoy the convenience of having herbs at your fingertips for cooking. Remember to provide adequate light and water, and don't forget to harvest your herbs regularly to encourage healthy growth. Happy gardening!

How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary (2024)


How to Start an Herb Garden Indoors • Gardenary? ›

If you're wondering how to grow a herb garden on your balcony, all you will need is a few plants, potting soil, and some containers to plant them in. Some additional items to compliment your balcony herb garden include a trowel to help move the soil, a watering can, and some fertiliser.

How do you start a balcony herb garden? ›

If you're wondering how to grow a herb garden on your balcony, all you will need is a few plants, potting soil, and some containers to plant them in. Some additional items to compliment your balcony herb garden include a trowel to help move the soil, a watering can, and some fertiliser.

What month should you start a herb garden? ›

You can plant your herbs indoors all throughout the year, but we recommend that you start growing these herbs during early spring or March. This will mean that as the herbs mature they are doing so in Spring/Summer when days are longer and there's more natural light.

What herbs are best to start indoors? ›

Thyme, rosemary, basil, sage, chives, and tarragon are great choices to start indoors. The seeds are very fine and take a fair amount of time to germinate. Oregano started by seed may not be true to the type of seed planted, and flavor will vary.

What is the best soil for balcony herbs? ›

Growing herbs on a balcony

Use a gritty, well-drained substrate in which to grow herbs (Read Jekka's Guide to Soil). Jekka advises using a peat-free and loam-based compost.

What is the best soil for herbs in pots? ›

Fill containers for your herb garden with a premium quality bagged potting mix, like Miracle-Gro® Moisture Control® Potting Mix, which protects against both under- and over-watering. What's more, potting mix isn't as dense as regular garden soil, so it allows more movement of water and air to the roots of the plant.

What is the best layout for an herb garden? ›

Plant short, shade-tolerant plants beneath taller, bushy plants. When you mix sun-loving plants, put tall ones at the north end of the plot and small ones at the south end, so all will get needed sun. Plant herbs throughout the garden, especially basil, mint, sage, and dill. EXCEPTION: Keep dill away from carrots.

What herbs work well together? ›

4 Herb Combinations for Gardening
  • Basil, Tarragon, and Oregano.
  • Lemon Verbena, Dill, and Cilantro.
  • Lavender, Rosemary, and Thyme.
  • Parsley, Sage, and Chives.
Feb 16, 2023

How long does it take to grow herbs indoors? ›

Annual Herbs

Annual plants grow quickly, and will be ready to enjoy in the first year. Most annuals can be direct sown (though it won't hurt to start them indoors). Anise will germinate in 10-14 days and will be ready to enjoy in 120 days. Basil will germinate in 5-10 days, and be ready to enjoy in 60-90 days.

What is the most difficult herb to grow? ›

In fact, lavender is the most difficult herb to keep alive, with 10,400 plant parents in need of help every month.

What is the easiest herb to keep alive? ›

Spearmint (Mentha spicata) Herbs in the mint family are especially easy to grow, even indoors. Known for its use in flavoring drinks, teas, and jelly, this perennial likes its soil to be kept evenly moist. An extra benefit of growing this herb indoors, rather than outdoors in the garden, is that it is invasive.

Is indoor potting mix good for herbs? ›

Plant Your Herbs in Quality Soil

Always use a quality potting mix, such as Miracle-Gro® Indoor Potting Mix, that will allow for proper airflow and drainage so your herbs can root deeply and thrive.

Do indoor herb gardens attract bugs? ›

Insects and insectlike pests

Bringing perennial herbs indoors for winter (such as, rosemary, bay, thyme, oregano or sage) can also bring pests indoors. Examine plants carefully and spray with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil before bringing indoors.

Can you use indoor potting mix for herbs? ›

Indoor potting mix is the go-to choice for indoor herbs because it helps water drain well and allows roots to grow and breathe. Stay away from gardening soil as indoor potting mix is lighter and won't stay compacted when wet. You can also add perlite to your potting mix.

Can you grow herbs on your balcony? ›

Herbs work great, as do potted annuals, if your balcony gets a lot of shade, ferns could work here too. Visit the nursery at your local Bunnings if you'd like some advice on which plants will work best on your balcony.

How do I grow basil on my balcony? ›

To grow your own basil, simply find a sunny windowsill, fill a container with well-drained soil, and plant it among other herbs and vegetables. Fun fact: It's way less expensive to buy an established basil plant and focus your energy on growing your own leaves.

When can I plant herbs outside in pots? ›

When to plant herbs outside depends on the types of herb you are growing, but generally herbs are best planted outside in spring in a sunny spot with fertile, free-draining soil. Annual and biennial herbs can be planted outdoors from March to August.


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